List of Core PowerShell Knowledge
1. Introduction to PowerShell:
- What is PowerShell?
- History and evolution of PowerShell.
- Key features and advantages of using PowerShell.
- PowerShell versions and compatibility.
2. Setting Up PowerShell Environment:
- Installing PowerShell on different operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
- Choosing between Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core.
- Exploring the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).
- Using the PowerShell console and terminal.
3. PowerShell Basics:
- Understanding cmdlets (verbs and nouns).
- Using the Get-Help cmdlet.
- Basic command syntax and pipeline concept.
- Working with objects and properties.
4. Variables and Data Types:
- Creating and using variables.
- PowerShell data types (string, integer, array, hash table, etc.).
- Type conversion and casting.
5. Control Flow and Scripting:
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch).
- Looping constructs (for, foreach, while).
- Writing and executing PowerShell scripts.
6. Functions and Modules:
- Creating and using functions.
- Parameters and arguments.
- Organizing code into reusable modules.
7. Working with Files and Folders:
- Navigating the file system.
- Reading and writing files.
- Manipulating folders and files (copying, moving, deleting).
8. Working with Processes and Services:
- Managing running processes.
- Starting, stopping, and restarting services.
9. Working with PowerShell Providers:
- Understanding PowerShell providers (file system, registry, certificate, etc.).
- Using providers to navigate non-file system data.
10. Remote Management with PowerShell: - Remoting basics (Enable-PSRemoting, Enter-PSSession). - Using PowerShell to manage remote computers.
11. Error Handling and Debugging: - Common error types in PowerShell. - Using Try-Catch-Finally for error handling. - Utilizing debugging tools and techniques.
12. PowerShell and Active Directory (if applicable): - Managing users, groups, and computers. - Working with Group Policy objects (GPOs).
13. PowerShell Script Security: - Execution policies. - Code signing and digital signatures. - Best practices for secure scripting.
14. Advanced PowerShell Techniques (Optional): - Regular expressions in PowerShell. - Working with XML and JSON data. - WMI/CIM in PowerShell.
15. Real-World Projects and Practical Applications: - Creating scripts to automate common tasks. - Solving real-world problems with PowerShell.
16. PowerShell Resources and Community: - Suggested books, websites, and online resources. - Participating in PowerShell forums and communities.